The Blog of Roxanne & John

This is the blog of Roxanne and John Taggatz. We recently got married on June 24, 2005 in Sheboygan,WI on a hot, sticky and humid day that was almost 100 degrees. But, we made it through and we hope that this blog will allow you to know a little more about ourselves.

Friday, August 19, 2005


A week, or so ago, when I think I was supposed to be working in my classroom, we had a beautiful summer day that just begged us to go explore God's creation. After talking about where to go and what to do, John and I decided on heading to Tawas Bay State Park, and what a great choice that was! We walked along a sandy beach for I forget how many miles, but it was longer than one mile. Maybe it was 4 miles round trip. We even saw someone kite boarding. For those of you who are extreme sports fanatics, we suggest you try this!

Water Pictures

Walking in the Water

Walking Along the Shore

Kite Boarding

Kite Board Jumping

And now the jobs begin

Today is Friday and John is at Faith working on vicar-y things, so it's me, Roxanne writing today! The past two weeks have been fun but busy. We haven't had much of a chance update our blog... so I figured to give it a try.

What have we been up to, you may ask yourself... Well I'm glad you asked. John has been learning how to be a vicar. Pastor Meckes is awesome and so is his whole family. I'm not exactly sure what John's been doing while at church, but I know it includes researching for his upcoming sermon, gathering info for a Bible study, visiting shut-ins, filling up cars with gas (gas is like $2.80 here, so he and Pastor got gas when it was still only $2.50) . He's also been going to a lot of meetings.

I have been doing a lot of teacherly things. My classroom is almost done. - I'll probably be saying that until June! - I would like to have some more pictures on the walls and a proper altar area. But the big stuff, computers, tables, play areas, etc are set up, and the classroom is cleaned up! Maybe I have some pictures to post about it...

the R.O.Y.G.B.I.V. board

A Slice of Summer

My Classroom

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Wedding Day!

This is one of my favorite pictures of Roxanne & I on our wedding day. It was taken in front of Roxanne's parents place and I like it a lot.

My Beautiful Wife!

This picture was taken of Roxanne in downtown Sheboygan, WI just about an hour before we were married. Doesn't she look so happy! Thanks Matt for taking this picture.


This picture shows exactly how Roxanne and I felt. WE wanted to yell Yippee after we were married. Granted as we walked through those doors we felt very, very uncomfortable. It was about 100 degrees in Sheboygan on the day of our wedding, though this photo may not show it very well. I don't know who's more happy--Roxanne or I. I know what you're all thinking--John wearing white. He must really be in touch with his masculinity. J/K

Roxanne & I Close Up

Ahhhhh! Here we are, Roxanne and I just after we were married. My awesome brother-in-law Matthew E. Wurm took this picture of us right before she and I were to go on our honeymoon.